The IMF’s Institute for Capacity Development is offering two online courses to the general public (so-called massive open online courses, or MOOCs) in October. Government officials and Fund staff are also encouraged to register. We would greatly appreciate your assistance in publicizing these courses in your region.
The first course, Energy Subsidy Reform (ESRx), is a three-week course presented by the Institute for Capacity Development, the Fiscal Affairs Department, and the Middle East and Central Asia Department. .
The second course, Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSAx), is a five-week course presented by the Institute for Capacity Development; Strategy, Policy, & Review Department; Monetary & Capital Markets Department; Fiscal Affairs Department; and Research Department.
A third course, Financial Programming and Policies, Part 1: Macroeconomic Accounts & Analysis (FPP.1x), was delivered during June-July 2014, and may be accessed as an archived course. It will also be offered again next year. This is a six-week course, presented by the Institute for Capacity Development.
The IMF edX site can be accessed at