Moving  to new ‘best practice’ in the institutional arrangements of Ministries of Finance is yielding significant reform benefits for many countries.  Several CARTAC members have requested a high level seminar exploring the significant changes in expectations of Ministries of Finance with an emphasis on Caribbean applicability.   CARTAC, therefore, designed a high level seminar to explore how to develop the most beneficial  interrelationship between  PFM reforms and  moving to a superior institutional framework.

This seminar, held at the Hyatt Hotel in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, from February 25-27, 2013 was the first of two geared specifically for the top leadership of the MoF.  It focused on expectations, objectives, resources needed for optimum internal organization of the ministry and how to use PFM reform efforts to guide the transformation [and how to use the transformation to guide the PFM reform].  The second seminar, to be held in April, will focus on the changed nature of key external relationships.


Session 1: The Fiscal Environment of SOE’s – David Shand

Session 2: A Performance Management Regime for SOE’s – David Shand

Session 3: Institutional Arrangements for SOE Performance – David Shand

Session 4: The Political Economy of Improving SOE Performance – David Shand

Session 5: The New Zealand Approach to SOEs


Session 1: Organization and Management of MoFs – Richard Allen

Session 2: PFM Reform Strategy – Richard Allen


PFM Reform in the BVI – Patlian Johnson


Public Value PFM Reform and Improvement – Devon Rowe

Transformation Reform and High Performance – Devone Rowe